Lenovo联想深圳工厂介绍 - 标杆企业考察参观 -小天才网络


2020-05-19 09:45:44   来源:   点击:
联想深圳工厂扎根深圳30多年,最早可追溯到1987年长城计算机集团PC主机厂,94年,长城与IBM成立合资公司。2005年,联想收购IBM全球个人电脑事业部,深圳工厂PC制造加入联想。2014年,随着联想再次收购IBM X86服
 联想深圳工厂扎根深圳30多年,最早可追溯到1987年长城计算机集团PC主机厂,94年,长城与IBM成立合资公司。2005年,联想收购IBM全球个人电脑事业部,深圳工厂PC制造加入联想。2014年,随着联想再次收购IBM X86服务器业务,服务器制造也加入联想。如今,深圳工厂已成为联想集团出口海外的重要生产基地,肩负联想商业PC和服务器业务全球170多个国家的供应重任,为联想集团全球化业务提供强有力支撑。




 放眼未来,深圳工厂将秉承 “以客户为中心”、 “以人为本”、“智能制造”的核心理念,致力于建设行业领先的数字化智能制造基地,打造智能制造标杆企业,助力联想全球化业务的开展,将工厂打造成深圳这个国际化创新城市的“价值”工厂!

Lenovo Shenzhen Plant Introduction
Dedicated in Shenzhen for over three decades, the Lenovo Shenzhen Factory can be traced back to year 1987 when it was the PC mainframe factory of Great Wall Computer Group. In 1994, the Great Wall Computer Group established a joint venture with IBM. In 2005, Lenovo acquired IBM's Global PC Division and Shenzhen factory’s PC manufacturing business was incorporated into Lenovo. In 2014, with Lenovo acquiring IBM X86 server business, IBM’s server manufacturing business was also incorporated into Lenovo. Today, the Shenzhen Factory has become an important production base of Lenovo Group, shouldering the burden of supplying Lenovo's commercial PC and server business in more than 170 countries around the world, providing strong support for Lenovo Group's global business.
The Shenzhen Factory is an important production base for Lenovo's all-series commercial products, including high-end business notebooks, desktops, all-in-one machines, workstations, blade server, edge computing servers, high-performance servers, water-cooling servers, Racks, Rack Clusters, and other PC and server options. It also produces customized products that fulfill the demands of multinational companies around the world such as Microsoft, IBM, France Post, Amazon, Toyota, Google, Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, JD, etc., making it a truly global production base for computing power products. In 2018, the products of the world's leading Barcelona Supercomputing Center was produced here.
The Shenzhen Factory is also a highly flexible and personalized factory that receives tens of thousands of orders from more than 170 countries around the world 24 hours a day. In the production process of more than 20 years, there has been no delay in delivery with quality and quantity guaranteed. By the beginning of 2019, the cumulative business PC shipments have exceeded 100 million.

The amazing manufacturing power stems from the extraordinary intelligence and creativity. The self-developed LE-MES system and network platform can realize end-to-end product information tracking and quality status monitoring. The Factory designs and optimizes the production line through simulation technology. Using IoT technology, the Factory builds its Internet of Things. It adopts various automation technologies to continuously improve its automation rate. It also utilizes technologies of controller and sensor to collect production operation data so as to continuously optimize its production operation.
In terms of quality control, the Factory cooperates with the world's leading component companies to ensure the high quality of components from the source; it deeply cooperates with the world-class R&D team, participates in the design and manufacturing process development of front-end products and conducts strict verification; the manufacturing process ensures the excellent quality of the final product through various control systems that can intelligently preform error-proof and fool-proof, rigorous reliability testing, and XCSA testing by simulating customer usage.

The Shenzhen Factory accepts audits by professional third-party auditing institutions, global customers and Chinese and foreign governments for more than 50 times every year. With excellent quality, safety, environmental protection, labor and other system management systems, the Factory has passed various strict audits, allowing it to obtain market access qualifications and global customer orders from more than 170 countries and regions around the world.
Looking forward to the future, the Shenzhen Factory will adhere to the core philosophy of "customer-centered", "people-oriented" and "smart manufacturing" and will be committed to building the industry's leading digital intelligent manufacturing base, creating an intelligent manufacturing benchmarking enterprise, facilitating the development of Lenovo's global business, and building the Factory into a "valuable" factory of Shenzhen, an international innovative city!


上一篇:走进深圳传音总部 考察新基建时代下的零售趋势解析



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